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Contact us to learn more about Gulf Breeze Recovery!
Contact us to learn more about Gulf Breeze Recovery!
Gulf Breeze Recovery is a world-class, non-12 step, holistic alcohol abuse treatment facility providing compassionate, comprehensive, cutting-edge therapies for substance abuse treatment and personal transformation. In 2020, seventy-nine percent of our guests were mature individuals who had alcohol-related issues. If alcohol abuse is your problem we are the solution. Call: 833.551.2304
Most treatment centers offer the same program, those who have unsuccessfully attended multiple facilities have usually, in fact, only attended one program…only one. Our program is different, positive, health-focused and goes to the heart of each individual’s alcohol problem. But let’s let Angela speak for us instead.
Like many of our guests, Angela’s first impression of our facility came from her initial intake into our detoxification wing. Rightfully apprehensive and nervous, Angela remembers being immediately made comfortable, loved and cared for. Our Doctor’s and Nurses are not only talented, but their genuine kindness and concern is usually the first time people have felt a non-judgemental caring connection in a long time. Watch Angela’s video for her experience with our medically licensed alcohol detoxification process.
From our blog article, “Unseen Crisis: The Dangers of Untreated Alcoholism Among Southern Women,” in recent years, the opioid epidemic has grown so much that it has overshadowed the more lethal scourge of alcoholism, which claims its victims through a wider range of methods. From grievous health issues like liver cirrhosis, cancer, pancreatitis and alcohol poisoning to alcohol-related suicide, drinking and driving incidents, etc., alcohol has a thousand ways to hurt or kill. Sadly, it’s doing it more than ever. A recent University of Washington ten year study on the topic showed a 35% increase in deaths due to alcohol. One expected find was that deaths in women spiked by an alarming 85%. Meanwhile deaths among those aged 45 to 64, where alcohol was a contributing factor, rose nearly 25%. And the three top places affected? Washington D.C., Georgia, and Alabama. Many of the cases involved “binge drinking” among middle-aged women, which continues to be a major reason for emergency room visits, according to Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
From our blog article, “Alcohol: Socially Acceptable and Addictive.”
Alcohol: It’s cost effective, accessible, legal, socially acceptable, and addictive. Because of the overall public acceptance of alcohol, people who are addicted to alcohol can often hide their addiction for a very long time. With an “everybody enjoys alcohol” mentality, they can even hide it from themselves for a while and from others for an even longer time. Eventually, alcohol addiction shows itself for “everyone” to see, often leaving the person suffering with the addiction as the last one to fully recognize it.
A surprisingly small amount of alcohol use can become problematic. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends that men should not have more than two drinks a day and that women have only one.
When drinking becomes a coping mechanism, a way of avoiding situations or a way to try to feel better, it is often a problem. The easiest test according to HelpGuide (a division of Harvard University) is, “If your drinking is causing problems in your life, then you have a drinking problem”.
Everyone has the opportunity to expand and deepen their understanding with what they learned at Gulf Breeze Recovery. Not only do you have a chance to grow, but you also have a chance to help others in aftercare outside the rehabilitation setting. Virtual and local meetings that include alumni and counselors as well as speakers and guests keep our weekly aftercare a growing success.
Gulf Breeze Recovery, unlike other treatment centers in Florida, is a non 12 step holistic alcohol rehab that is changing the future of treatment with their THRIVE® (Total Health Recovery) program focused on overcoming chronic relapse.
Gulf Breeze Recovery’s THRIVE® program is a non 12-step approach designed for those who are looking for an alcohol treatment program to produce a different and positive result.
This non-12 step program allows you to drive beyond your addictions and promotes a new outlook on life.
We are licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Families, and our last audit scored 100%. Also, we are gold certified by the Joint Commission.
It is legal, socially acceptable and sometimes goes hidden for a long time. Alcoholism is deadly, chronic and widespread.
Alcohol Abuse is generally considered to be drinking that can result in physical harm or damage to a person’s relationships or responsibilities. Alcoholism, alcohol addiction, or alcohol dependence is widely recognized as a chronic illness of compulsive drinking. It is a disorder and chronic condition that results in an inability to stop drinking, even if it causes problems in various aspects of the person’s life. Alcoholism affects the entire family; indeed, everyone who has contact with the alcoholic is affected.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 16 million Americans – 15.1 million adults and 623,000 adolescents aged 12-17 — have alcohol use disorders. Alcohol abuse or problem drinking that becomes severe is given the medical diagnosis of “alcohol use disorder” or AUD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
To be diagnosed with AUD, individuals must meet certain criteria outlined in the DSM. Under DSM-5, anyone meeting any two of the 11 criteria during the same 12-month period receives a diagnosis of AUD. The severity of AUD – mild, moderate, or severe – is based on the number of criteria met.
Alcohol addiction can be difficult to recognize since it is widely available, accepted in many cultures, and often linked to social situations and celebrations. Understanding the symptoms of alcohol abuse and addiction can make it easier to determine when it’s time to get professional help in order to stop the cycle of addiction and work towards successful recovery.
If you or someone you care about can identify with more than two of the items listed, it may be time to have a conversation with an alcohol abuse or addiction expert. Our caring professionals understand what you’re going through and are here to help you take the first step on the road to recovery. Rethinking Drinking from
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) define the levels of alcohol abuse as follows:
Any of these issues can be considered a drinking problem, depending on the effects of the drinking on the person’s life, ability to function, and relationships. on Alcohol
Everyone has different needs when it comes to treating alcohol use disorder. Addiction relapse is very common and shows just how difficult it can be to break addiction. Addiction doesn’t happen in the heart. It happens in the brain. In order to stop the revolving door of chronic relapse, you must deal with the underlying root causes that can contribute to alcohol addiction. Getting the right kind of professional help for you or your loved one is your best hope of taking back control of your life. Gulf Breeze Recovery’s non-12 step holistic alcohol rehabilitation program stops the revolving door of chronic relapse and helps you overcome your addiction for a better life.
The cumulative effects of drinking alcohol can take its toll – a glass a day may do little damage to your overall health. But if the habit grows or if you find yourself having a hard time stopping after just one glass, the cumulative effects can really add up.
We know that chronic relapse is frustrating for both the families and those suffering from alcoholism. Gulf Breeze Recovery’s individualized program is “tailored made” for people who suffer from chronic relapse. Unlike other “cookie-cutter” rehabs, our insight-based program considers the latest scientific and therapeutic techniques that addresses not only the addiction, but the individual’s “internal unrest” or root cause that quietly and slowly led to the addiction in the first place.
The THRIVE® Total Health Recovery model promotes an inside-out path to life-changing insights. The caring experts at Gulf Breeze Recovery are here to help you stop the revolving door of chronic relapse. One call can make a difference: (888) 990-8219
We understand that entering rehab for alcohol abuse is a big step. Even if you have been resistant to treatment in the past, Gulf Breeze Recovery may be right for you. Our THRIVE® program promotes total health recovery in a way that makes alcohol no longer a threat, or even a preference, for life to hold interest again.
Our individualized cutting-edge program is dedicated to restoring your natural health and emotional wellness. On a deeper level, however, we are combining a range of evidence-based, holistic treatment modalities to restore and develop dependence on your innate wisdom, not as an addict, but as a whole person capable of lasting change.
During your stay at Gulf Breeze Recovery, you’ll have a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This will include comprehensive services for any mental health disorders that might be complicating or supporting your alcohol addiction.
While here, you focus on recovering, and reaching these goals:
“Alcohol Use Disorder,” (AUD) is a condition in which a person has a mental obsession or physical need to consume alcohol, even though it has a negative impact on their life.
Alcohol Abuse Disorder refers to a long-term addiction to alcohol. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) describes alcohol use disorder as “problem drinking that becomes severe.” A person with this condition does not know when or how to stop drinking. They spend a lot of time thinking about alcohol, and they cannot control how much they consume, even if it is causing serious problems at home and work.
Because of the overall public acceptance of alcohol, people who are addicted to alcohol can often hide their addiction for a very long time. With an “everybody enjoys alcohol” mentality, they can even hide it from themselves for a while and from others for an even longer time. Eventually, alcohol addiction shows itself for “everyone” to see, often leaving the person suffering with the addiction as the last one to fully recognize it.
When drinking becomes a coping mechanism, a way of avoiding situations or a way to try to feel better, it is often a problem. The easiest test according to HelpGuide (a division of Harvard University) is, “If your drinking is causing problems in your life, then you have a drinking problem”.
Treating the symptoms of alcohol addiction alone typically doesn’t lead to lasting recovery and substantial transformative experiences. This is especially so if the co-occurring disorder remains undiagnosed and untreated. Our clinical staff is trained and are experts at helping people with co-occuring disorders, enabling our team to customize an effective drug addiction treatment plan for anyone who attends our program.
Therapies used to supplement addiction counseling may include art therapy, music therapy, recreational therapy, etc. As you progress through the program you will be taught more about nutrition and the principles of addiction recovery, practice stress-reducing activities like meditation, qi-gong, or yoga, along with being treated for any possible chronic health issues or co-occurring disorders.
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, we specialize in treating alcoholism and co-occurring disorders. We provide safe, compassionate care in a clean residential setting. In this peaceful atmosphere, clients can focus on their treatment and recovery from alcohol addiction without the worries of external pressures and stressors.
Our expert clinical team provides individual therapy using proven evidence-based treatment modalities to treat alcohol dependency.
You or your loved one’s alcohol problem and underlying root cause is different than other people’s, so your treatment plan should also be different. Your therapist will work individually with you to customize a treatment plan that fits your specific needs and is right for you.
You can find us in Gulf Breeze, Fl on the Santa Rosa Sound just across from the white sands of Pensacola Beach. We are located in a beautiful, waterfront setting that features panoramic views, white-sand area, and the occasional seagull or dolphin. Our therapeutic amenities and activities help our clients reconnect with their bodies, nurture their spirits, and even create a sense of fun and adventure that only enhances the healing process and the transformative insights that will change their lives.