If you struggle with your mental health and rely on drugs or alcohol more than you want to, then you are not alone. Millions of people of all ages and walks of life share these struggles.
A dual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorder, is when you have both a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health condition at the same time. Living with SUD is never easy, and it is even more complicated when you also have mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Co-occurring disorders feed off one another, creating a cycle that is nearly impossible to break without comprehensive, integrated dual diagnosis treatment.
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, our expert treatment professionals are well-versed in identifying co-occurring disorders and determining the best course of treatment. Call 833.551.2304 to learn about our dual diagnosis treatment options.
What Is Dual Diagnosis?
What is a dual diagnosis? Dual diagnosis describes the presence of two or more disorders co-occurring within the same individual. It is most often associated with mental health concerns and substance use disorders. Common examples include:
- Alcohol addiction and depression
- Anxiety and prescription drug addiction
- Meth addiction and psychosis
- Opioid addiction and PTSD
- Stimulant addiction and eating disorders
Experts estimate that nearly half of individuals with SUD also have a mental health issue and vice versa. Effective treatment relies on accurately identifying and treating each condition simultaneously because they typically interact and can exacerbate each other.
What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?
With a dual diagnosis, each condition has symptoms that can interfere with everyday life, affecting school, work, home life, relationships, and overall daily functioning. The symptoms of a dual diagnosis feed off one another, creating a cycle of dysfunction that is nearly impossible to break free from without professional dual diagnosis treatment.
Dual diagnosis treatment is an integrated approach that focuses on providing education about how co-occurring disorders impact one another and how that impacts overall functioning and well-being. Dual diagnosis treatment involves a combination of holistic and evidence-based approaches to promote the healing of the mind, body, and soul. The approach utilizes treatment modalities including:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Psychoeducational therapy
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
- Trauma-informed therapy
- Exercise therapy
- Family therapy
- Meditation therapy
- Group therapy
- Person-centered therapy
- Neurofeedback therapy
Because everyone is different and the range of co-occurring disorders is so vast, individualized treatment planning is essential to successful dual diagnosis treatment.
Do You Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment?
Identifying a dual diagnosis can be challenging, especially if unaware of the signs and symptoms. Symptoms vary between individuals and depend upon which addictions and mental health issues they have. For example, a person with alcohol addiction and depression will have significantly different symptoms than someone with an eating disorder and stimulant addiction.
Still, there are some common signs and symptoms of dual diagnosis, such as:
- Significant changes in sleeping and eating habits
- Difficulty managing daily responsibilities at work, school, or home
- Dramatic mood swings or substantial changes in behavior
- Withdrawal from friends, family, and previously enjoyed activities
- Inability to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships
- Angry, violent, or reckless behavior
- Pervasive feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and despair
- Financial problems or legal issues
- Engaging in self-harm or destructive behaviors
- Persistent thoughts about death, dying, or suicide
The importance of proper dual diagnosis treatment cannot be overstressed because when one problem is left untreated, both usually worsen. Dual diagnosis requires an integrated approach that provides education about each issue, how they interact, and their overall impact on well-being.
Call Today to Get on the Road to Recovery with Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Gulf Breeze Recovery
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, we help clients discover and foster their inner strengths. We provide more counseling hours than industry standards, with treatment customized to meet your personal needs and goals in a welcoming environment with top-rated amenities.
Contact us online or call 833.551.2304 to begin dual diagnosis treatment today.