Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD and Addiction in The Military

The rate of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may be up to 15 times higher in the military population than it is in the general population, which likely explains in part the prevalence of substance use disorder in the military. Consequently, when people see or hear the term PTSD, they likely think of veterans.

TeleHealth Service in Addiction Treatment

Around the world, governments are ordering people to stay home and to practice social distancing if a trip outside is necessary. The unprecedented spread of COVID-19 has us all rightfully cautious. From malls to medical centers, virtually any place where people gather has temporarily closed their doors as we weather this storm. However, many people depend heavily on urgent medical services and cannot afford to miss critical appointments. Luckily, most centers have existing telehealth protocols in place so they can continue essential treatment from a distance.

Don’t Let Covid-19 Postpone Your Treatment for Addiction

Has your use of substances gotten out of control? Are you struggling with addiction? Do you feel like a slave to your addiction? Do you know that it is time to get your life on track? Are you going to start looking at treatment options after the Covid-19 pandemic is over? Don’t wait. Now could be a perfect time to start treatment and reclaim your physical and mental health.

9-Tips for Maintaining Recovery During the Covid-19 Pandemic, What is Your Number 10?

Remember what you know. Now is the most important time ever to not allow negative or fearful thinking to pull you back toward the rabbit-hole of addiction. Thoughts are not a reality unless you allow them the power to become a reality. Thoughts, in and of themselves, are harmless. It’s the action that can create harm and consequences.

Military PTSD, Addiction and Suicide

The Veterans Administration calculated that in 2017, seventeen United States veterans chose to end their life each day that year. Those fatalities are of male and female veterans who served in active duty, an additional average of 2.5 veterans who never served in active duty also chose suicide every day.

Gulf Breeze Recovery’s Intensive Outpatient Program

“The Intensive outpatient program and outpatient care settings allow people access to our program who wouldn’t have access if it were only offered in a residential setting,” said Gilmer “It’s insurance-friendly, affordable, and less intrusive on a person’s time. With these programs, people can still live their life while changing their life.”


The Disturbing Escalation of Addiction and Overdose Deaths

According to the Surgeon General’s Report published in 2016 “20.8 million people aged 12 or older in the United States had a substance use disorder. That number is similar to the number of people who suffer from diabetes and more than 1.5 times the annual prevalence of all cancers combined (14 million).”