Let’s face it, not everyone who becomes addicted to alcohol or other drugs is immediately ready to receive help. In fact, very few substance abusers will ask for that type of help or are willing to go to addiction treatment at first.
It is true that you cannot force someone to change who isn’t ready. However, it is also true that there things that can be done to help lead them in that direction. This is where interventions come into the picture.
Why an Intervention?
Sometimes drug and alcohol interventions get a bad rap, either from methods used by a few that give a negative image to the field, or because of misconceptions among the general public. Family interventions aren’t about force or punishment.
In reality most family interventions are very civil. Family members and friends communicate their concern for the individuals struggling with substance abuse and offer help with love and support. From our experience, more than three quarters of interventions wind up being successfully completed. In other words, the person needing help enters into a rehabilitation program or some form of treatment.
Once individuals agree to accept help then the process can continue on to get them to not only be willing to change, but to accept that they can change their minds and behaviors. The chances of a complete recovery increase when the right program is matched up for the person, as the individual is more compliant with the treatment and has more faith that it will work.
Effective Intervention Strategies
If you’re worried about a loved one who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, you may be considering staging an intervention. Intervention is a process in which family and friends come together to confront the addict about their substance abuse and urge them to get help.
Interventions can be successful, but they’re not easy. If you’re thinking about staging an intervention, there are a few things you need to know:
It’s important to get professional help
There are many resources available for Intervention, including books, websites, and even support groups. It’s important to have someone who knows what they’re doing guide you through the process.
You need to decide who will be involved in the intervention
The ideal group includes close friends and family members. These should be people who have a strong relationship with the addicted individual and who are prepared to offer support. It’s important to avoid anyone who may be angry or judgmental, as this could further alienate the addicted individual.
Plan the intervention carefully
It’s important to choose a time and place that is conducive to discussion. Also, you may want to have a list of specific issues you want to address prepared in advance.
During the intervention, it’s important to remain respectful
You should express your concerns and urge the addict to seek help. However, avoid attacking them or making them feel guilty.
If the addict agrees to seek treatment, congratulations! If they don’t, you may need to consider more drastic measures, such as staging an intervention with the help of a professional.
Interventions can be difficult, but they’re worth it if they help an addict get the treatment they need. By following these tips, you can increase the chances of a successful intervention.
Get Alcohol Addiction Intervention Now
Do you have a friend or family member in need of help? Do you worry about what will happen if this individual doesn’t get help? Would you like to know more about interventions and treatment? If so, then contact Gulf Breeze Recovery today at 833.551.2304. We can share with you why our program works and also get you in touch with drug and alcohol intervention specialists.