They Need Professional Help, But How Do You Help Them See That?
It’s important to recognize that sometimes your attempts to rescue them or prevent them from experiencing the consequences of their addiction can hurt more than it helps. Developing strong boundaries can be both incredibly tough and, ultimately, incredibly helpful. It’s important to let your loved one know clearly what your boundaries are and to maintain them.
Giving financial assistance makes it easier for someone who is struggling to feed their addiction. Even when they might insist that they need money for rent, gas, or even food, most likely the money will go toward their substance of choice. So, if you tell them that your financial support is over, find the strength to stand by that position.
At some some point, an intervention with your loved one may become necessary. It usually works best when you have support from as many of the important people in his or her life as possible. Having everyone together in an effort to encourage treatment ensures that boundaries can be set and upheld by a united front. It hinders the person’s ability to play one party against the other. Have treatment options available and be ready with answers to the objections you will probably hear.
Common Objections and Appropriate Responses To Make
1. “I can’t afford it”
- What is your life worth?
- We can help you do this.
- You can’t afford not to.
- This is an investment in your life.
2. “I can’t take time away from work”
- Addiction will ultimately cause you to lose your job.
- You can find another job, you don’t have another life.
- Be honest with your boss. They can hold your job. They probably know, or at least suspect that you have an issue anyway, your addiction isn’t the secret you think it is
3. “I can’t be away from my kids that long”
- The greatest gift you can give your children is a healthy, clean and sober parent.
- We will see that your kids are well cared for.
- You will be setting an example for your children of the importance of self-care.
4. “I don’t want to be away from home and I know I can do it on my own”
- That is a great intention, but it seldom leads to long term recovery.
- The problem won’t just get better without dealing with the underlying issues.
- Professional care can make the process easier and more effective.
- Recovery is much more than just stopping use, it is learning how to maintain sobriety and avoiding relapse. Professional care helps with that.
- You have been trying it on your own, and it isn’t working. There is no shame or judgment in that, it’s just time to try something different.
5. “I tried AA or a 12-step program and that kind of thing isn’t for me”
- Treatment options are available that are not 12-step based
- Holistic programs focus on overall health, not just your addiction
- 12-step programs aren’t for everyone, that is why we have found other options that might work better for you
Having the right answers can help a loved one realize that treatment is necessary and not something to be avoided.
Gulf Breeze Recovery Specializes in Overcoming Chronic Relapse
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, we understand addiction and we have a program that addresses the individual needs of each guest. Our well-trained professional staff and a holistic program not only treat addiction, but also the mental, physical and overall health of each person.
If you or a loved one are battling addiction or relapse and looking for a holistic, non-12-step based facility that can help make a difference contact us at Gulf Breeze Recovery or call 833.551.2304 to speak to an addiction expert to learn more about how our program has helped so many people overcome their addiction and embrace life.