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Contact us to learn more about Gulf Breeze Recovery!
Trauma is an emotional response to a painful or disturbing event that overwhelms a person’s ability to cope. Experiencing it can have a wide range of effects, and the signs and symptoms of it can vary depending on the nature of the trauma. While trauma affects everyone differently, people with untreated trauma frequently develop substance…
Our amenities, along with our specially trained staff have one specific focus and that focus is how we can best help people recover from addiction. We do that by providing a safe, comfortable, nurturing environment and a curriculum targeting individual recovery.
Humans have six universal core emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, disgust, and anger. Anger is often misunderstood and viewed negatively. However, it can be beneficial in certain circumstances. Anger can motivate solving conflicts and challenging situations or be constructive in helping set boundaries. Anger becomes problematic when suppressed or it results in impulsive, aggressive, or…
In the past, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was primarily thought about as related to military service, notably war. Today, we know that PTSD is a reaction to trauma and can impact anyone at any time. This broader knowledge and understanding of PTSD has opened doors to accurate diagnosis and treatment for millions. Can PTSD lead…
Many people who struggle with substance use disorder (SUD) also need treatment for their mental health. In researching options, looking for dual diagnosis treatment facilities is essential. Gulf Breeze Recovery is a Florida dual diagnosis treatment center providing top-rated holistic care. Our location in Gulf Breeze, FL., across the bay from Pensacola, offers a unique…
There is a strong link between mental health issues and substance use disorders. There is no proof that one directly causes the other, but they frequently occur together, and the symptoms of one impact usually impact the other. Dual diagnosis treatment refers to simultaneously treating two or more issues in the same person. Individuals with…
If you struggle with your mental health and rely on drugs or alcohol more than you want to, then you are not alone. Millions of people of all ages and walks of life share these struggles. A dual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorder, is when you have both a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental…
Heroin is highly addictive and poses a significant risk of overdose. That heroin is often mixed with other substances and usually contains unknown amounts of fentanyl only increases these risks. If you or a loved one is abusing or addicted to heroin, a heroin detox treatment program can offer help before it’s too late. Before…