There’s hope and a solution! Non-12 Step Recovery is a holistic alternative to the traditional 12 steps of AA
Although for many years, AA was believed to be the gold standard for substance abuse treatment, the reality is that AA does not work for everyone. What should you do if AA hasn’t worked for you?
First of all, don’t assume that something is wrong with you because it didn’t work for you. AA works for some people, but it doesn’t work for many others.
Ultimately no one ever responds well to negative reinforcement which often results when a relapse occurs in traditional treatment programs
People sometimes have the idea that it is their fault AA doesn’t work for them – and sometimes other people will tell them that it is their fault.
That is just like believing it is your fault if a specific medication doesn’t work for you. Doctors don’t say that it is your fault the medication doesn’t work; they try a different treatment. And if that treatment doesn’t work, then they try still another one until they find the treatment that is right for you.
Substance abuse treatment is the same, it must be the right fit for the person. If AA wasn’t a right fit for you, find the treatment program that is the right fit for you.
Sometimes meetings, even the recommended 90 meetings in 90 days isn’t enough. Leaving a meeting and returning to the same environment and the same situations can often leave a person desperate to use again or hanging on to their sobriety by a thread.
If AA didn’t work for you, then it is unlikely that a residential program based on AA will work for you either.
Explore other options until you find the one that seems to be the best fit for you.
Non-12-Step based, holistic treatment might be what you are looking for. Instead of AA meetings, treatment is provided by professionals who can help deal with your specific, underlying issues.
All treatment centers are not created equally. Treatment can be basic and bare bones, or it can be in a luxurious, beautiful facility with staff who don’t blame or shame you for not succeeding with AA. Some treatment centers offer minimal services, instead of multiple treatment modalities that are proven to help people overcome addiction.
Take the time to make the right choice. Check out the rest and then check us out. Gulf Breeze Recovery has been the right fit for many people for whom AA didn’t work. We may just be the right fit for you too.
If you or a loved one are battling addiction or relapse and looking for a holistic, non-12-step based facility that can help make a difference contact us at Gulf Breeze Recovery or call: 833.551.2356 to speak to an addiction expert to learn more about how our program has helped so many people overcome their addiction and embrace life. We help people not just to survive, but to THRIVE®.
A former guest and graduate of Gulf Breeze Recovery’s non-12 step holistic drug and alcohol program called THRIVE® Total Health Recovery, the first and only one of its kind in the world, talks about the true freedom that comes when you address the root cause of addiction, not it’s symptoms.
Want to read more about Gulf Breeze Recovery’s non 12 step, holistic drug and alcohol rehab? Check out some of our latest posts:
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Overdose Deaths Soar in the Midst of a Pandemic
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Alcoholism Today in Seniors and Younger Generations
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End Chronic Relapse and Start a New Life!
At Gulf Breeze Recovery we don’t want you to have just a great recovery, we want you to have a great life!